The unary operations are:
Here are a few examples using those operations:
(use-modules (aiscm core))- (arr <int> 2 3 5))
;(-2 -3 -5)
128 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 127))
(~ (arr <byte> -;#<multiarray<int<8,signed>,1>>:
;(127 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -128)
list (rgb 2 3 5) (rgb 3 5 7))))
(red (to-array (;#<sequence<int<8,unsigned>>>:
;(2 3)
list (rgb 2 3 5) (rgb 3 5 7))))
(green (to-array (;#<sequence<int<8,unsigned>>>:
;(3 5)
list (rgb 2 3 5) (rgb 3 5 7))))
(blue (to-array (;#<sequence<int<8,unsigned>>>:
;(5 7)
2 3 5))
(red (arr ;#<sequence<int<8,unsigned>>>:
;(2 3 5)
real-part (arr 2+3i 5+7i))
;(2 5)
real-part (arr 2 3 5))
;(2 3 5)
imag-part (arr 2+3i 5+7i))
;(3 7)
imag-part (arr 2 3 5))
;(0 0 0)
2+3i 5+7i))
(conj (arr ;#<sequence<complex<int<8,signed>>>:
;(2.0-3.0i 5.0-7.0i)
2 3 5))
(conj (arr ;#<sequence<int<8,unsigned>>>:
;(2 3 5)
Applied to the following image …
… inverting the RGB values yields the following image:
(use-modules (aiscm magick) (aiscm core))"star-ferry.jpg")) "inverted.jpg") (write-image (~ (read-image
The binary operations are:
Furthermore there is rgb for composing RGB values which is a ternary method.
Each binary operation can combine arrays and/or scalars. Most scalar-scalar operations are already part of the Scheme programming language. AIscm mostly needs to provide a few numerical operations and some support for RGB and complex values.
One can use an array-scalar operation to divide each colour channels of an image by a number.
(use-modules (aiscm magick) (aiscm core))/ (read-image "star-ferry.jpg") (rgb 1 1 2)) "divided.jpg") (write-image (
Another example is using the modulo operator to show the remainder of division by an integer for each channel.
(use-modules (aiscm magick) (aiscm core))"star-ferry.jpg") (rgb 250 200 150)) "modulo.jpg") (write-image (% (read-image
Each binary operation can appear in scalar-array, array-scalar, or array-array form. Also note that the arrays can have different number of dimensions as long as the tail of the shape matches.
(use-modules (aiscm core))define a (arr (1 2 3) (4 5 6)))
;((1 2 3)
; (4 5 6))
(shape a);(2 3)
define b (arr -1 1))
;(-1 1)
(shape b);(2)
+ b 1)
;(0 2)
+ b b)
;(-2 2)
- 1 b)
;(2 0)
* a b)
;((-1 -2 -3)
; (4 5 6))
AIscm has a tensor implementation with flexible indexing.
(use-modules (aiscm core) (aiscm tensors))define a (arr (2 3 5) (3 5 7)))
(define b (arr 2 3 5))
(define-tensor (transpose a) (tensor j (tensor i (get (get a i) j))))
(transpose a);#<multiarray<int<8,unsigned>,2>>:
;((2 3)
; (3 5)
; (5 7))
(define-tensor (add-rows a) (sum-over i (get a i)))
(add-rows a);#<multiarray<int<8,unsigned>,1>>:
;(5 8 12)
(define-tensor (add-columns a) (tensor j (sum-over i (get (get a j) i))))
(add-columns a);#<multiarray<int<8,unsigned>,1>>:
;(10 15)
(define-tensor (x w h) (tensor (j h) (tensor (i w) i)))3 2)
(x ;#<multiarray<int<32,signed>,2>>:
;((0 1 2)
; (0 1 2))
(define-tensor (y w h) (tensor (j h) (tensor (i w) j)))3 2)
(y ;#<multiarray<int<32,signed>,2>>:
;((0 0 0)
; (1 1 1))
* (get (get a j) k) (get b k)))))
(define-tensor (dot a b) (tensor j (sum-over k (
(dot a b);#<multiarray<int<8,unsigned>,1>>:
;(38 56)
(define-tensor (prod a) (product-over i (get a i)))2 3 5))
(prod (arr ;30
sqrt i)))
(define-tensor (s n) (tensor (i n) (3)
(s ;#<multiarray<float<double>,1>>:
;(0.0 1.0 1.4142135623730951)
Using the warp operation one can perform multi-dimensional warps. Here is a simple example performing a lookup in a pseudo-color table.
(use-modules (oop goops) (aiscm magick) (aiscm core) (aiscm image))define colors (to-array (map (lambda (i) (rgb (max 0 (- 255 (abs (- (* i 4) (* 1 64 4)))))
(max 0 (- 255 (abs (- (* i 4) (* 2 64 4)))))
(max 0 (- 255 (abs (- (* i 4) (* 3 64 4)))))))
(iota define img (read-image "star-ferry.jpg"))
("pseudo.jpg") (write-image (warp colors (from-image (convert-image (to-image img) 'GRAY)))
A warp can also be used to mirror an array. In this case index arrays are used to define a warp field.
(use-modules (oop goops) (aiscm magick) (aiscm core))define img (read-image "star-ferry.jpg"))
(define idx (apply indices (shape img)))
(define width (cadr (shape img)))
(define height (car (shape img)))
(define x (% idx width))
(define y (/ idx width))
(- height 1 y)) "mirror.jpg") (write-image (warp img x (
One can compute histograms of one or more arrays of coordinates. The following example creates a circle.
(use-modules (aiscm magick) (aiscm core))define a (/ (* (indices 100) 2 3.1415926) 100))
(define y (to-type <int> (* 50 (sin a))))
(define x (to-type <int> (* 50 (cos a))))
(* (histogram '(120 120) (+ y 60) (+ x 60)) 255)) "circle.png") (write-image (to-type <ubyte> (
Masking and unmasking operations are useful to select a subset of array elements. The following example computes a Mandelbrot fractal.
(use-modules (aiscm core) (aiscm magick))define (sqr c) (real-part (* c (conj c))))
(define h 240)
(define w 320)
(define idx (indices h w))
(define f (/ 2 h))
(define x (* f (- (% idx w) (/ (* 2 w) 3))))
(define y (* f (- (/ idx w) (/ h 2))))
(define img (fill <ubyte> (list h w) 0))
(define c (+ x (* 0+i y)))
(define z c)
(lambda (i)
(let* [(m (lt (sqr z) 4))
(zm (mask z m))]
(cm (mask c m))set! img (where m (+ img 1) img))
(set! z (where m (unmask (+ (* zm zm) cm) m) 8))))
(iota "mandelbrot.png") (write-image img